Why a vibro-acoustical addition for common test procedures?
Assessment of cavitation segments hidden from observation
Quantification of visually reached cavitation description
In particular, reliable quantitative comparison of different model versions
Quantitative prediction of cavitation intensity on the prototype
An illustration: Comparison of three models for the same turbine project
In a plan to improve the cavitation quality of a turbine in operation, its model was tested, and two modifications were conceived, and their models were also tested. This is a summary of the results in the simplest form:
Conclusions: The two new versions are much better than the version currently in use. At most operation points, the two new versions are quite similar. However, in the high-head high-flow operation, the middle version tends towards increased cavitation intensity (the yellow arrows). Even if such an increase of cavitation intensity is considered acceptable, the New runner/New guide vanes-version is recommended. The reason: the potential inaccuracy in the model-to-prototype prediction and in the prototype machining might provoke stronger cavitation at even lower loads.
Required equipment
Set of sensors, vibro-acoustical processor, interface with the test-rig processor and the laboratory database
Measurement software
Analysis software
This is incorporated in common test equipment and in a common procedure and does not require any action by the operator.
With some additions, the system can be used for on-site vibro-acoustical diagnostic tests, too.
Services offered to turbine manufacturers and hydraulic laboratories
For vibro-acoustical cavitation tests:
Delivery of the full equipment for model cavitation tests
Delivery of the additions needed for on-site cavitation tests
Alternatively, for both: delivery of the full application software & the detailed specifications of the hardware
Instruction documentation, training
Assistance at installation
Introductory assistance in the interpretation of test results
Remote support
For permanent on-site cavitation monitoring:
Delivery of a prototype of the cavitation monitoring system
Alternatively, delivery of the software & detailed specifications of the hardware
For both: appropriate licence